Camping in Cornwall

Camping in Cornwall

Beneath the sky where seagulls soar,
By cliffs that guard the ocean’s roar,
In Cornwall’s heart where dreams are spun,
We pitch our tents as day is done.

The crackling fire, a beacon bright,
Its dancing flames bring warmth and light,
We gather close with hearts aglow,
In Cornwall’s embrace, we feel the flow.

Stars emerge in a velvet sky,
Diamonds on the night’s dark tie,
Their twinkle mirrors in the sea,
A dance of ancient mystery.

The scent of brine, the earth’s sweet musk,
The song of waves, the gentle dusk,
A lullaby that nature sings,
As peace and quiet Cornwall brings.

The morning breaks with golden beams,
We wake from soft and restful dreams,
With hearts refreshed and spirits high,
Beneath the bright Cornish sky.

Through meadows green and cliffs so grand,
We wander hand in loving hand,
Exploring paths where legends lay,
In Cornwall’s light, we find our way.

And as the sun sets in the west,
We gather ‘round, our souls at rest,
In Cornwall’s magic, wild and free,
We find a part of you and me.

So here we camp, in nature’s hold,
In stories new and tales of old,
In Cornwall, where the wild waves kiss,
We find our peace, our perfect bliss.